Investing in farmland has never been easier.

Meet FarmVestor

Meet FarmVestor

Investing in farmland has never been easier.

Meet FarmVestor

Meet FarmVestor

We provide investors with:

We provide investors with:

Low minimum investments and solid rates of return through farmland asset investing.  Owning farmland is now possible.

We provide farmers with:

We provide farmers with:

Access to farmland. We allow farmers to keep or expand the acres they farm through innovative sales and leasing opportunities.

Why Invest in Farmland?

We all know it is important to have a diversified financial portfolio. In times of market turmoil, it is even MORE critical to make sure you are well-diversified.

Farmland investing is a truly diversified investment opportunity with attractive long-term returns. Typically unattainable for the average investor, FarmVestor makes adding a farmland asset to your portfolio possible with a low minimum investment.

Historical Average Annual Returns of Major Asset Classes

Past 20 Years (2002-2021) Farmland has averaged a 9.29% return

farmland investing returns graph farmvestor

Why We Founded FarmVestor

There are two huge challenges that prevent most investors from owning farmland for investment purposes.

First, the price of farmland presents a huge investment challenge.

Most parcels sell in 160-acre tracts, which will cost in excess of $1,000,000. Investment by a single investor is often out of reach.

FarmVestor provides investors access to the farmland asset class with a low minimum investment of around $20,000.

Second, farmland management presents a challenge.

Unless an investor has a background in real estate or farming, managing farmland is difficult. Our team provides full-service property management functions.

This makes investment in farmland seamless and easy.

aerial view of crop investing farmvestor

Profitable Farmland Investments

We source high-earning potential investment opportunities that can offer competitive returns.

Invest in America’s Farmland

Invest in America’s Farmland

We've made it simple to add farmland to your portfolio.

We've made it simple farmland to your portfolio.

Diversify with farmland investing and increase your passive income.  Start today using our easy, online investment platform.

How FarmVestor Investing Works

1. Step One – Farm Selection

We identify and select high-quality farmland for investment.

two people studying crops farmland investing farmvestor

2. Step Two – Investment

Investors purchase shares in the legal entity formed to hold each farm offering directly through our website.

3. Step Three – Management

Our team provides full-service property management functions making investment in farmland seamless and easy.

two men discussing farmland investing farmvestor

4. Step Four – Distributions

We distribute excess annual cash flow to investors.

aerial view of crop investing farmvestor

5. Step Five – Sale

Investors should expect an
ownership period of 5-10 years.

When the farm is sold, you will
receive your share of the principal and any appreciation generated during the ownership period.

father son discussing farmland investing farmvestor

Ready to begin?

Get started today or learn more about how investing in farmland can work for you.
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